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W imieniu Oddziału Poznańskiego PTBioch i Sekcji Kwasów Nukleinowych PTBioch zapraszam Państwa do uczestnictwa w wykładach o tematyce związanej z kwasami nukelinowymi w auli Instytutu Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN (wejście od ulicy Henryka Wieniawskiego). Wykłady w języku angielskim.

  • W piątek, 10.5. o godz. 11, odbędzie się wykład prof. Franka J. Hernandeza (Linköpping University, Sweden & Tecnun, University of Navarra, Spain) pt. "Engineering of Oligonucleotides for Developing Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies". Po wykładzie, ok  godz. 12, w sali Journal Club w IChB odbędzie się nieformalne spotkanie z prelegentem.

Streszczenie wykładu: In this talk, I will discuss how nucleases can be used as biomarkers for human conditions such as bacterial infections or cancer by engineering specific oligonucleotide sequences as substrates. As a proof-of-concept, we have identified an oligonucleotide sequence capable of detecting a specific pathogenic bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus. Based on this discovery, we have developed diagnostic and therapeutic approaches that we plan to introduce to clinical settings in the coming years.

O zaproszonym mówcy: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6308-8087, https://liu.se/en/employee/frahe49, www.linkedin.com/in/hernandez-fj

  • W poniedziałek, 27.5. o godz. 11:30 odbędzie się wykład prof. Stefanii Bortoluzzi (Uniwersytet w Padwie) pt. "Role of circRNAs in high-risk pediatric leukemias: from software tool development to functional studies". Po wykładzie, ok  godz. 12:30, w sali Journal Club w IChB odbędzie się nieformalne spotkanie z prelegentką.

Streszczenie wykładu: In the seminar I will present published and unpublished results about circRNA dysregulation and role in high risk pediatric acute leukemias (KMT2A::AFF1 B-lineage ALL and T-cell ALL). Software tools for circRNA detection and characterization will be presented. I will show data justifying circRNAs as useful biomarkers for patient stratification. I will discuss functional studies, including integrated in vitro experiments and patient data analyses, that disclose circRNAs with oncogenic or tumor suppressor role in these malignancies  to give some future perspectives about the use of long read sequencing to determine circRNA sequence, and of AGO2-IP experiments to clarify disease mechanisms involving circRNAs.

O zaproszonej mówczyni: Stefania Bortoluzzi is Associate professor of Applied Biology at the Department of Molecular Medicine of the University of Padova, Italy.
SB graduated magna cum laude in Biological Sciences at the University of Padova in 1996, and then a PhD in Genetics at the University of Ferrara in 2000, winning the National prize of the Italian Genetics Association (AGI) for the best PhD thesis in Genetics of the year.
SB has been leading the Computational Genomics Group since 2000. She is currently member of the PhD in Biosciences directory board (curriculum in Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics) of the University of Padova, PI, referent or coordinator of several research projects about circRNAs in cancer and RNA therapies and Editor-in-Chief or associate editor of different scientific journals in the Genetics and Bioinformatics field.
Her research focuses on genomics and transcriptomics studies in cancer, especially in hematologic malignancies and on the development of bioinformatics methods for big data analysis and interpretation. Current projects regard mainly RNA biology and bioinformatics, non coding RNAs, particularly microRNAs and circular RNAs, to define their role in disease mechanisms, to explore their use of multi-omics data to stratify patients and build up prognostic models using artificial intelligence methods.
SB authored more than 108 publications on international scientific journals, with over 700 of total IF and an H-index of 34.

Istnieje możliwość spotkania z prelegentami podczas nieformalnych poczęstunków w Journal Club oraz indywidualnie. W tym celu proszę o kontakt emailowy bezpośrednio z zaproszonymi lub ze mną. 


  • We wtorek 14.05. o godz. 15stej w auli ICHB PAN odbędzie się wykład Dyrektora EU-OPENSCREEN dra Philipa Gribbona pt. " "EU-OPENSCREEN: Enabling chemical biology and early stage drug discovery."

Serdecznie zapraszam do uczestnictwa,

Zbigniew Warkocki

Przewodniczący oddziału


dr hab. Zbigniew Warkocki, prof. ICHB PAN
Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN w Poznaniu


Wydarzenie w O/Warszawskim: Dzień Chorób Rzadkich

Wydarzenie w O/Warszawskim: Dzień Chorób Rzadkich

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