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Warszawa. 7 September 2021.

To the Members of Polish Biochemical Societies

Dear Colleagues.

We are pleased to announce that the lectures of 1he Polish Biochemical Society New Faces of .
Biochemistry, which we started in 2020, will be continued throughout the 2021'2022 academic year.
As in the previous year, we · make every effort to ensure that the lectures are of a high scientific
level and concern the current trends in life sciences. As lectures, we will invite outstanding
researchers from our academic centers who have achieved interesting results of their research. In
2021 , the following lectures will take place:

14 October:
Aleksandra Pękowska: Genome topology- shaping genomes for transcription regulation

4 November:
Sebastian Glatt tRNAslational control of eukaryote gene expression

25 November:
Barbara Uszczyńska-Ratajczak: Are long noncoding RNAs functional?

16 December
Krzysztof Liberek: Chaperones m control of protein disaggregation

All lectures will start at 13.00 on ZOOM-WEBINAR platform. Lectures will be held either in Polish
or in English, according to the preferences of the lecturers.
lectures will be conducted and the discussion after the lectures will be moderated by Adam
Szewczyk, Vice President of the Society.
I am writing this letter to you in English because some of the lecturers as well as some listeners of
theses lectures are foreigners.
I sincerely hope that current series of lectures will be well received by all members of aur Society
as well as the members of related societies.

Andrzej Legocki




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