Lecture in English
Sebastian Glatt studied at the University of Vienna and did his PhD at the pharmaceutical industry. In 2008, he joined the Structural and Computational unit at EMBL Heidelberg as a postdoc. There he transformed from a pure cell biologist into a protein biochemist, crystallographer and electron microscopist. Since September 2015, he leads his own independent Max Planck Research Group at the Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He established and maintained fruitful scientific collaborations with leading labs around the world. He has published in highly prestigious scientific journals and has received several prestigious grants, including the ERC Consolidator grant 2020, the EMBO YIP/IG as well as several grants from FNP and NCN. He is not only leading an international research team of more than 30 young scientists, but he is also deputy director of science at MCB and head of the “National Cryo-EM facility“ at the Solaris synchrotron in Krakow.